Naturalise Workforce Performance & Well-Being

Unlocking Your Team's Highest Potential

a group of people holding hands on top of a tree
a group of people holding hands on top of a tree

First of all

Who We Are

Based in Singapore, Synite Training has over 20 years of experience delivering customized learning solutions & experiences to organizations across industries. Our team of experts is dedicated to helping your workforce reach new heights. A Naturalise Workforce where Performance meets Well-Being.

two women sitting on chair
two women sitting on chair

Not to mention

Empower Your Workforce

Synite Training provides customized corporate training experiences & solutions to help your team meet the demands of the D-VUCAD world. Our O3 Learning System focuses on Natural Well-being through Deep Work to create an O3-READY workforce.

laptop computer on glass-top table
laptop computer on glass-top table

And let's not forget

Our Approach

At Synite Training, we believe that training should be directly tied to business objectives. Our approach is designed to deliver tangible results and a measurable return on investment. We work with the well-being & core human fundamentals that make individuals great!

Our Story

Synite Training was founded with the goal of empowering organizations to cultivate high-performing and high-well-being teams that thrive in any environment. Through years of corporate experience, life lessons, and in-depth research, we developed the O3 Learning System - a proven approach to driving remarkable results. We're dedicated to incubating a nurturing corporate culture inspired by Nature, where individuals can flourish, grow, and reach their full potential together.

Where Performance

Meets Well-Being

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